The Operation Series

Math education for middle and high school students who are performing below grade level or otherwise struggling in math.

There are two parts to being able to add reliably. One is mastering addition facts (such as 4 + 3 = 7) and the second is combining addition facts with place value (such as 18 + 14 = 32). It is also helpful to be able to estimate an answer to make sure their computation is correct. We will work on all three of these.

Grades 1 and above: Addition fact fluency using Japanese visual method.
Grades 2 and above: Two digit addition with “carrying” using popsicle sticks.
Grades 3 and above: Concept of addition useful for word problems.
Grades 4 and above: Decimal addition model.
Grades 5 and above: Fraction addition model.


Math Whisperer materials are dedicated to each person who wants to be successful in math, including those who have struggled in the past. Our goal for our students is that they know the math they need to lead the lives they want.

The goals for this lesson collection is for students to:

1. Understand the operation of subtraction.
2. Be able to subtraction single digits quickly and reliably.
3. Be able to use an algorithm for double digit addition.

Grades 2 and above: Connection between addition and subtraction.
Grades 2 and above: Two digit subtraction with “borrowing” using popsicle sticks.
Grades 3 and above: Concept of subtraction useful for word problems.
Grades 7 and above: Understanding.


Math Whisperer materials are dedicated to each person who wants to be successful in math, including those who have struggled in the past. Our goal for our students is that they know the math they need to lead the lives they want.

Grades 4 and above: Meaning of multiplication useful for facts
Grades 4 and above: Meaning of multiplication useful for word problems.
Grades 5 and above: Connection between simple facts and two digit multiplication.
Grades 7 and above: The symbols of multiplication for Algebra


Math Whisperer materials are dedicated to each person who wants to be successful in math, including those who have struggled in the past. Our goal for our students is that they know the math they need to lead the lives they want.

Grades 5 and above: The many meanings of division.
Grades 5 and above: Explanation and models of “remainder”.
Grades 5 and above: The ladder method of division explained.
Grades 6 and above: Understanding fractions as a division problem.